Thursday, January 27, 2022


Once there lived a king named Saul in the ancient kingdom of Israel. He was the tallest and most handsome man in the land. A man of regal bearing, most fitting to be a king the people wanted.

 You see, the Israelites were the people most closest to God, and he went with them wherever. God was always with them, leading them by the hand and speaking his holy oracles through his servants the prophets, till one day when every changed.

The Israelites told God they wanted to be like other nations who had a visible king who rode before them and led them out in battles. In a way, they rejected the lordship of God, but he chose a king for them anyways and sent his Prophet Samuel to anoint Saul, son of Kish.

Saul became king by God's power, yet Samuel remained God's mouthpiece in the land. But this is not the focus of our story. 

And Saul was instructed to war against the Amalekites, to defeat the land and destroy everything in sight, both good and bad, worthy and worthless.

Saul went to war, but didn't destroy the best materials. He kept them to offer sacrifice to God in order to please his men. You see, Saul was guilty of a lot of crimes, but none of them particularly fatal so to speak. But in a way, everything he did undermined the authority of God in the land. He even conducted a sacrifice reserved for prophets alone because Samuel was late. 

In his words, Saul confessed:

 "I've sinned. I've trampled roughshod over GOD's Word and your instructions. I cared more about pleasing the people. I let them tell me what to do. I cared more about pleasing the people, I let them tell me what to do..."

This is a lesson for us as well, too. Obedience to authority, especially God's authority, and being able to stand our ground on what we know is right, instead we keep fighting a losing battle. That we may not think so highly of ourselves, but there are moments we need to take authority, not because we can, but because it is right. May God help us to apply the right principles in the right places. Amen.

Saul lost his throne over acts of "simple disobedience" and not knowing his proper place in the grand scheme of things. David did a lot worse as king, one could say, yet the Bible records him as one after God's heart, because regardless of whatever he did, David's submission to God was without question as long as he lived. We, too, can do the same.

Tokede Opeyemi, 
January 27th, 2022.


I'll take a moment to talk about someone who means a lot to me, and from whom I've learnt that manliness isn't always about being macho; that love, care, respect and humility are a great part of what makes a man, part of what makes us human.

You see, I remember the first time I met Tyla, well over 16 years ago. I was to write my common entrance exam in my elder brother's school, they were in need of students. You see, Tyla was a friend of my brother's, though separated by one class.

Don't know if I remember right, but I remember rain falling and the roads being blocked. We (my brother, myself and sister, I think) waded through water to get to Tyla's place, cause he was more familiar with the terrain. So we passed different routes, treading water but avoiding worse to get to the school with his expert guidance. One thing that remains with me over the years was his general availability and good-natured helpfulness, this man was genuinely happy to help, no frills.

It happened that I was admitted into the school. Had a pretty good record too in the entrance exams. So I was looking forward to that first day.

On that day, I met his sister for the first time, turns out she was going to a different school around the same vicinity. She was around my age, I saw heaven as a boy (lol!) 

So, school came, and going home was one big party, everyone of us, young or old walked home together, one big crowd dropping each other at their respective places. One thing that stayed with me was the warmth and mutual respect these seniors all had for each other and others. I was the youngest in their midst, but by no means treated like an outsider. I watched them cracking jokes and being merry, teasing each other without mercy, but all love.

Those years I remember fondly, eating peppered chicken butts, wings and all on there way home. It stayed with me, I can taste the memory and smile all over again.

Three years later, they all left school, but we stayed in touch. He coming around our area to say hello to the girls and we boys (lols) and hi to Rita.

We're still in touch now, had some memorable conversations along the way as well. Life happened to us all.

Yes, I take a moment to shout out a man I admire for his honesty, humility, and a blatant lack of judgement. I pray that God makes him bigger and makes all his lines fall in pleasant places. More wisdom, skill and knowledge, and more funds to that account.

Being a man is not about pointing, shouting and beating the chest, it's about staying in touch with those things that make us human.

I know I've said a lot of things, but I'll leave these on marble. 

Happy birthday Lord Tyla. God bless your new age. Yes, to God we say, Thank You Lord Always, for Tyla. 

For Tyla, Wright Snr.

©tokede el-iyanu 
a.k.a. Yanu Wright

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Review of the 12 Pillars Book by Jim Rohn & Chris Wilder by Tokede Kolawole

Book Title: 12 Pillars
Authors: Jim Rohn & Chris Wilder
Book Reviewer: Tokede Kolawole

Pillars are very important in holding up great structures. Without Pillars, even the most magnificent structure will collapse under the weight of a breath. 

Jim Rohn and Chris Widener in this excellent book shares with the reader 12 Pillars Success rests upon. They do this with storytelling which makes the reader immersed and able to relate it with everyday living. 

 Investing in personal development is a must in order to have the life you envision and desire. 

Health is wealth. Taking care of the body is important because it is with a healthy body that you can do other things. 

Investing in valuable relationships is the back bone of our existence. That which is valuable is hard to get. It takes time, effort and imagination. In other words, anything valuable is a hard target. It is hard to find a rich hermit. You need people, so do I.

Setting goals and writing makes the goal more likely to be achieved. The reason for setting goals is not mainly its accomplishment, but who you become in the process. You definitely won't remain the same once you've committed to achieving my goals.
The decision to start is as important as starting. Without the decision, there can be no action.

You have to use you time wisely and focus on what's important, like spending more time with loved ones, spending more time working on my goals than frivolities and other things that take time away from me. 

People who energize me to want to be better. Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association. To know the best people, asking these questions are pertient:
What effect do they have on me? 
Where do they have me going? 
What do spendour time doing? 
After answering these questions, you can decide to disassociate, limit association or expand the association. Pruning friends and associates is not an easy process, however, it has to be done to be able to have access to the future you envision.  

The successful person is a lifelong learner. Self education is the key to leading a successful life. Continuous and never ending improvement is the motto I have adopted. Learning is the beginning of everything: wealth, health, spirituality etc.

All of life is sales and influence is key. You're either selling a product, service, an idea or yourself. To be able to influence others, they must perceive me as a person of talent and virtue. The three laws of sales are: know your products and service, talk to more people, and never take no for an answer. 

You are rich to the extend of your growth. Grow to be a million dollar person not just aspiring to have a million dollars. The wealthy man is the one who can give away all his wealth with the belief and assurance in himself and his capability to get back the wealth and more. Profits are definitely better than wages.

Find a middle/common ground when communicating with people. Endeavor to understand people. View things from their perspective instead of waiting for the slightest pause in order to interject your opinion. 

Everything rises and falls on leadership. Leadership is all about influence. Right where you are, you can influence people through your character and the value you bring to the table. Leadership means to be Strong not rude, kind not weak, bold not a bully, thoughtful not lazy, humble not timid, proud not arrogant, and to have humor without folly. 

Live a life that will help others spiritually, intellectually, physically financially and rationally. Live a life that serves as an example of what exceptional life can look like. We do not choose how long we live, however, we can choose how well we live by leaving a legacy.

My brother shared with me the draft of this book review, and I knew I had to share this. I'm not one who reads a lot of books, have a lot on my plate already. But if all books were this well reviewed, I'll be a man blessed to try to read all. This was masterfully done.

Monday, January 24, 2022

THE LABEL OF HER HEART (by Frances Adaku)

Her presence so tender, like the label on her heart
She flows with grace, yet firm of heart
Heart so innocent, yet so wild
Her touch as gentle, yet stings so bad
Experience didn't teach her
Knowledge exposed her to evil
A mind so pure, yet filled with desires..

Written by Frances Adaku
24th January, 2022.

This is Frances' first foray into the world of writing poetry. In her words, she says, there must be a first time for everything. Don't bother rating, she said, just read. But it's a beautiful work of art, Frances has a subtle touch. And I'm glad I was able to read and receive the honour of posting her first piece on this blog. Cheers to more.

Frances is dear friend and neighbour, and our paths intertwine in more ways than one. She's currently a final-year student of the Lagos State University.

(Painting by Lamees Alhassar)
(Photo by Canaan)


The hope of a nation
Inflated in leather balls
The joys we feel 
That have no meaning

Pride in colours that fly
To earth comes crashing down
Anger and emotion
All the rage pouring out

Dreams ended early
Doors showing us out
Beauty and then the beast
But at least we believed
Yes, at least we believed...

© el-iyanu

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Saw you the other night and couldn't recognise

Till you said hello and called out hi

It's true, your manners haven't failed 

And I hear how hard you work

But perhaps the world may have failed you

But I still call out for you to hear me

Why it happened this way, I still ask how

Sometimes, I wonder who to blame

The home, or the church values gone lame

Cause things are not the same

Who chose what we became?

You've come into your own like a ripe flower

You see the changes how they look at you

You feel the power you hold over men

You're happy how you lord over them

You expose yourself and look at the floor

There you go acting all demure

You're strong like freshly baked flour

You revel in the love they shower on you

But we can't be beautiful forever in the flesh

It's our virtue that lives forever after

You're the queen that men adore

They're all busy knocking on your door

Each one professing candor

Don't become too open a door

You skulk and hide like a dog's behind

But this life can no one rewind

You're in your element where no one can see

You're the talk of the town behind your back

Your friends talk about your escapades

I've disliked people because of you

You're bold and you flaunt your power

But who am I not to love you?

I dislike everything I've come to see,

But who am I to not love you?

Has there been anyone who really told you?

Has there been one to really show you?

Time goes and this I can't exhaust

But you should know I'm rooting for you

That you find wisdom quite early

And you all come to act fairly

You were failed by what came before

Of this I'm well informed...

I wish I could speak directly to your soul

Consider this a wholesome bowl

You've grown quite fairly, my lady

But beauty can fade quite early..

But who can I blame?

Our passions are like flames

Like rings they come to claim

Only in God are we the same

And virtue will stand you in good stead

Sometimes, I wonder if we could have done more

Considering all that came before

What will the future become?



She was a woman to make men lose their heads

Even a priest reconsider his vows

But what is beauty without discretion?

I know life was hard

I watched you grow

Didn't expect to see you so

See you now, all grown up

Now I understand why the men chase younger 

It's an instinct that grows stronger,

It's an instinct that needs fighting

First off, they fall for protection

But something else calls out to them

Woe is the one who thinks above temptation

I'll humble myself for God to save.

to be continued..

Sunday, January 9, 2022


Jesus, a Name to call
Delivering us before we fall
I felt the evil hands crushing me
Blocking my escape, choking me
To take me with violence against my will

But the name of Jesus did I call
Right at the end I didn't fall
I felt God's power pierce the clouds
The saving grace of God's plan
The name of Jesus did I call

The name of Jesus did I call
I felt the enemy lose his hold
Indeed God's power made me bold
The name of Jesus did I call
The name of Jesus did I call


© el-iyanu

Sometimes in life, we go through certain situations we can't fight through, but at the end of the day, God comes through. When pressed down by enemy hands, the name of Jesus does save. Not by how loud we call, but simply because we believe, and so we see the trouble melt away. Why? Because of the special grace of the Name of Jesus. I'm a testimony, I'm a living witness, just this midnight..

Saturday, January 8, 2022


Found strength in great rejection

But hoping I don't run out of time

All my needs does God provide

Of his blessings, I don't deny

Poverty so deep, I can't afford,

I'll rather pay the price of Life

I saw life from the end of the world

Walked through the eye of the storm

What is man if not a worm?

Blessings like the rising sun

Head in the clouds like a spoilt brat

Joy-seeking the thrill of the next chat

Going through the "time" like a zombie

Walking down the road in my device

Say I found strength in great rejection

Hoping I don't run out of time

All my needs does God provide

Of his blessings, I don't deny..

©el iyanu

Friday, January 7, 2022


Omo, you dey make my heart dey beat

Thinking of you, my mind dey sweet

Like Chike I wan dey run to you

Dem say life na suru

But for you I be eran nuru

I still smile when I think of you

Revisit talks I had with you

I dey bless God because of you

Like which material he use make you?

Not perfect but we need to be

In case you're wondering, same applies for me

But I know enough to not judge me

Like I wouldn't want to judge me

You're like a dream come true

Everyday I wanna shout out to you

You remind me of Queen Esther

You're one great queen, remember!

That mercy and dear compassion

You are my friend, my dear companion

Relating don't have to be romantic

Forgive me my dear antics

But it's good to know I've got you

Someone brave and down-earth humble

You no dey do gra gra, you no dey fumble

See how freely I speak with you?

Means the world to me, true!

You're a woman but you are my bro

And I respect you kindly, aburo..

©el-iyanu, 7th of November, 2021.

For a very dear friend, and her wealth of kindness. It's been an honour to know her truly. This is based on and dedicated to her as well. Thank you for all you do Bella Fuego.


The old man trusts his body   to a piece of metal or wood Not as his god or anything  But as a prop to hold him up The injured man does the ...