Monday, July 31, 2023


You can do your best
Yet be filled with regrets
At the outcome of events
You couldn't prevent

You can't take life for granted 
It happens hard. 
Like you covered the bases
But life does not play fair. 

You can be blameless 
Yet hold yourself to blame
Imagine what you could have done better
To even the game. 

Found myself vindicated 
But still carried guilt 
Caught myself a lucky break
Was found beyond reproof. 

We learn from lessons on how to live
Yet take risks we can't even believe! 
It's human nature in a nutshell 
Risking and hoping that things end well.

But again, you can do your best
Yet be filled with regrets
At the outcome of events
You couldn't prevent...



The story of the butterfly 
Will never fail to inspire 
How you can go from crawling the dirt
To roaming over the earth

Slow and bulky, 
You broke out the shell. 
Ugly and despised,
Against all odds. 

Every man should be a butterfly, 
Trusting the process
Leaving behind limitations 
Taking on a new form.

Perhaps, every man is a butterfly 
And every stage in our life is a process
Preparing us from the cocoon 
To the day we touch the skies...



I respect your boundaries 
I respect your peace 
Even when I'm roving mad
And my heart is beating fast
I respect your boundaries 
I respect your peace

I learned the lessons harsh
Wear my heart on my sleeves
Say my mind, tell them what I feel 
We're family, 
That's what I think 

These days I protect my peace
Careful with the energy
I know how I feel
But the lessons paid off 
Doesn't hurt so much  

Still put myself
Out there from time to time 
For when the energy is the same
It's a beautiful thing
Having people 
Who match your energy 
But these days I'm cautious 

I respect your boundaries 
I respect your peace 
Even when I'm roving mad
And my heart is beating fast
I respect your boundaries 
I respect your peace..


Saturday, July 15, 2023

I AM AN EVENT, I'M NOT A THING (Y. Rahma, Iyanu T)

I am the bird that touched the sky 
It was a wonder, I had a good time 
I am the whale that swum the ocean depths 
It was a wonder, I had a good time

I am the phoenix that never dies
The seed of God that comes alive
I go quiet when I'm in pain
Holding it together like I'm insane 

So quiet, but boiling with rage
It's never nice to feel disgraced
Why take the way of scorn
When love is what can truly change? 

I still feel numb from all the pain
And lol, I can’t “drink it all away”
All these voices screaming at me 
Then I go silent ‘cause “I’m not enough”

And there in the dark corners of my mind,
Wallowing in self pity and sadness
All I need is to remember how it is to “finesse”
But I find pleasure in being controlled 

Then again,
I am the fire releasing heat and light 
I just have to “start a fight” and make them wonder
(Start a fight and make them wonder) 

The good voices are freed, they take over
And they all say, one by one:
I am an event, not a thing—
I am an event, not a thing...

Y. Rahma (Bella Fuego) and Iyanu (Yanu Wright) 
July 15th, 2023.

So, we teamed up again to write something special. The Fire Girl and the Ice Man. Thanks for reading. Cheers. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023



Four fifty four 

From the screaming corners of my mind,

Four fifty five

I can’t make up my mind on what to write!

Four fifty six— Okay!

I just need the words, c’mon!

Not the usual sadness or heartbreak anymore.

It’s a better feeling:

That you’ve accomplished something 

But you still don’t feel good about "yourself"

You feel better for growing out of that “past self”

You want to write on how much you’ve changed:

But the thought does makes you feel strange 

You’re scared that your indecisiveness will mess with you 

Oh, she’s so stubborn

She still won’t break!

Five oh-four

Four or more different personalities 

She has of herself in her big head

But never mind, 

She’ll still burn, she'll roar 

Go W, you rock!

The “hell” does that even mean?!

But you should be proud of yourself- don’t worry: 

Hear me if I say I’m not making lemonades today

Let me stay mad, she’ll grow!

They don’t have to rhyme, go on!

All hail W, the soft one—


Five oh-nine

We’re freed—

We’re eating good today!

Y. Rahma (Bella Fuego) 


This is a coming-of-age piece from the author who is a dear friend. A product of thought mindfully expressed in fifteen long minutes. It is an introspective dialogue with her mind, a product of joy and triumph, and the internal war that rages in every man. The tone is light and playful, a funky vibe which embodies the author's very nature, none more so than the hilarious last line (lol!). However it also shows a thoughtful depth, a tribute to the wars fought and lost, to the wars fought and won. 

The first stanza reflects the battle to write from a place of joy and happiness. From a place of freedom, not only sadness. She accepted an offer to write, hoping she'll get inspired by something she read. But even in that struggle, even in those questioning words, something has been written, a victory has been won. Chaos sometimes gives us materials to paint with. 

The second stanza continues the struggle, but here we see the author's  resolve to embrace the joy, to write from a place of happiness. 

The third stanza is a struggle we all deal with, guilty feelings of being happy. Now, the author questions this newly-found happiness, that it isn't authentic because it doesn't come from itself. How we're happy about our new self but guilty because we're happy we left our old self. NF's song 'Happy' explains this phenomenon, how being in agony makes us happy, simply because it's familiar, and we recognize ourselves more in the struggle than in happiness and wonder if we'll still be the same if we're happy. 

The fourth stanza continues the push and pull of emotions, and the resolve to get it right. The fifth brings to mind lyrics from the song Nate— you walk around with the Devil talking on both shoulders... But the persona refuses to budge, as Brymo wrote in his song: God is in your mind, you'll no longer look for self in any mirror... 

The persona moves on doggedly to the happy place, taking pride in her achievements along the way. Using the struggle as fuel, not minding sweetness, Just that the show must go on. 

She concludes goofily with an inside joke with her friend, who mock-threatened that there would be no dinner for her if she doesn't write something today.

In all, it is a lovely piece that expresses the constant struggle that comes with living, our choice and our reaction in the decision of how to live our lives. The struggle was real, now we feast! — Tokede Opeyemi. 


There's a chip on my shoulder 
Sometimes it's heavy 
Sometimes I feel tall

There's steel in my spine
Sometimes I'm strong 
Sometimes I'm stiff 

There's fire in my heart 
Sometimes it burns 
Sometimes it hurts

It's a different feeling 
Being hurt by those you love 
Who without a care
Just throw out some words 

Some you bear
Some you have to reject 
Trusting in your gut 
That  it's all but love

Sometimes I speak too soon
Sometimes I speak out of turn
Sometimes I'm kind, sometimes I'm harsh
Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong

Sometimes I'm impatient 
Sometimes I'm time itself—

You encourage others who felt the same
But when it's time for yours
It can be a lot to take
Truly, I feel 

There's a chip on my shoulder 
Sometimes it's heavy 
Sometimes I feel tall

There's steel in my spine
Sometimes I'm strong 
Sometimes I'm stiff 

There's fire in my heart 
Sometimes it burns 
Sometimes it hurts...


Tuesday, July 11, 2023


When you grow, you don't ungrow
You only change, you're only different
You become a beast, you become a monster
Not in the negative, but a mentality to have

I've seen the power of focus
I've had to fight deadlines 
Things I had to streamline 
A fighting battle, never a lost cause

A stitch in time saves nine
A cat of nine lives 
Should live each one to the last 
It's time to call time...



I placed myself into the future
Became a project that had no time 
What the future was, I had no idea
Just that it was going to be fine

I was drained in my spirit,
For long have I been digging 
I just knew it was time
It was time to call it time

Tried delaying the inevitable, 
Wasn't it just for a while? 
But even a while takes a while, 
In me, I had to call it time. 

But isn't this phase just temporary? 
Why make a permanent decision? 
A phase is temporary but life is not, 
In the sense that it doesn't stop...


Wednesday, July 5, 2023


(The Joy That Sets Him Free) 

I was looking out the door at the children,
Feeling the chaos of their joy,
Remembering how happy we used to be.

I was always a happy child
There was never time to be sad 
Becoming a young adult was painful 
Seeing life from a different dimension 

I'm growing up to be a man
But I'm always grateful for my past 
The pain sharpened me to be better
To appreciate life on different terms 

So I look back now, and I'm grateful 
For the joy that had no boundaries 
And the pain that kept me bound.

The pain that kept me bound, 
The pain that set me free. 
The joy that had no bounds, 
Joy that kept me bound, 
Joy that set me free...

5th July, 2022.


The old man trusts his body   to a piece of metal or wood Not as his god or anything  But as a prop to hold him up The injured man does the ...