Monday, July 26, 2021


 For those who've listened to Whitney Houston's classic: The Greatest Love of All, we find lyrics that reasonates with us on the subject matter of love, self-love and personal independence. It's a delicate matter that speaks to us in a special way.

What is Love?

The Bible speaks extensively about love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, but our focus today will be placed upon verses 4-7 which spells out the characteristics of love in plain language. It says:

Love is patient

Love is kind

Love is not jealous

Love is not conceited, ( proud or arrogant)

Love is not ill-mannered

Love is not selfish

Love is not irritable

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Love is not happy with evil but happy with the truth

Love never gives up

Love is faithful

Love is hopeful

The patience of love never fails...

The One You Love

We all have those we love for various reasons, whose personality appeal to us. Friends, family, colleagues and the likes. This we know the depths of our love for. But it's a little dangerous here, because those we love with all our heart may not not love us in return. I could say the same of myself, having someone who I can say truly loves me, but not being as enamoured with the person in return, and having those I love and I'm crazy about not loving me (equally) in return.

The One Who Loves You

This is the kind of love God has for us while we were still sinners, even now. This love is sure, and something we can bank upon. It's something that drives us to the lover, especially if unconditional. It's the kind of love mothers have for their children: which the children mirror and reciprocate in return. It's the kind of love that makes us love those who love us in return.

Loving in Return

Indeed, it's best loving each other fiercely, equally, and truly in return! But in all honesty, there are levels to this matter called love. Love should give the lover freedom to live, be and express the self, else it might be seen as selfishness on the part of one. It's why the story of the prodigal son speaks to me in a special way. 

The Depth of Love

The father knew the son was going wrong, but let him be to preserve the bond of their love. This love with which his father treated all those around him, even servants, was what gave this son confidence to come home, knowing his father would always have a place in his heart and treat him gently with love, even if as a servant. 

The Height of Love

Finally, the height of love comes in loving those who actively hate us, envy us, back-stab us, gossip about us; loving those who annoy us, who irritate us, who provoke us, who get on our nerves, those indifferent, and even those who oppose us. 

Mastering Love

A priest in my parish once gave a message that you may not like people, but you have to love them. You may even hate them, but you have to greet them. And this, in its little way mirrors the message of Christ, that we have to love our enemies, for only then can we be people of love, and masters of the same. For this is how God loves us, regardless. 

God's Template

This message comes not to condemn any man, but to make us look and and see where we fail, and take hold, perhaps, of one rung at a time. How people of love behave, and how they don't, until we are indeed made perfect, looking up to the Template of the Most High Himself, even Jesus Christ.

The Love of Christ

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) And God showed his love to us, that Christ died for us even while we were sinners. Christ showed love and devotion to the Father, even to us as God's children without a word of complaint. Isn't this what love should look like? It is why in all matters, to him we look.

Love Never Gives Up (Even on Itself)

There have been days when we feel irritable, feel unkind and feel uncharitable, but the message of love is somewhere at the back of our minds, whispering that this is how love behaves and this is how it doesn't. May God help us to keep its faith till the very end. For at the end of the day, love never gives up, yes, love lives forever. Amen.


  1. Indeed, we do not have to like everyone; however, loving them is non-negotiable.

    There are people I'm particularly exasperated with but at the back of my mind rings the admonition "love them... Love them... Love them..."

    1. Boomshaka!!🔥🔥 Nothing else but that. Aptly said indeed. Thank you kindly



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