Saturday, October 28, 2023


They said if you believe as one
Then the game is as good as won
I took this with me and wondered
Seeking, I became a wanderer

They said one head is inferior to a good two
I thought about this too 
I made my brain a toolbox 
I, myself working together

Have you seen power in the count of three? 
How at the end the athletes go free? 
As if their lives are on the line to retrieve 
Alas, the taste of freedom

Three is power, perfection is a square of four 
Those not against, with us they're for
May we be on guard that we may not fumble 
And be regretfully trapped in our own bubble

Four is perfection, five is a star 
How cocky we were as youngsters 
A dark night is best when it's starry 
A shooting star will leave you starstruck 
(But life is not always one big party) 

Five is a star, six is a circle 
Things you find important, encircle 
There's nothing in life as being too careful 
After the sixth, they say you find heaven 

The day of rest was called Seven
Set apart by God to serve Him 
The years of a strong man is seventy 
The say the number seven is heavenly

Seven is complete; eight is twice perfection 
A circle that touches itself and starts anew 
You marvel at the beauty and stroke up your chin
See as life is constantly being renewed..

Iyanu, 28/10/23.

Friday, October 20, 2023


I searched the four corners of the wind
I listened hard, I heard the birds sing
I saw them take to flight and fly free
I saw power in their wholesome wings 

I went deep down the ocean depths 
The primordial power of the earth I felt 
Was ever so majestic the deeper I went
Words fail to capture the essence 

I climbed the mountains of the highest peaks
Caught the sunrise on the tallest trees
Saw so much beauty that I couldn't breathe
Saw greatness that made my heart to freeze 

In high spirits, but my energy spent 
Still seeking answers, but I couldn't make a dent
I searched the secrets of the seven seas
I was put to bed by the gentle breeze 

It doesn't matter if I spend my last cent  
These answers are worth more per every cent 
Yet on my strength I can't depend 
To the grace of God, I must defer

For in the fire, I found no answer
In the earthquake, I heard no response 
In the thunder, there was no reply 
But in the gentle wind, my God will speak

(In the gentle wind, my God will speak)
(In the gentle wind, my God will speak)
(In the gentle wind, my God does speak)
(And the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind)...

Yussuf Rahma x Iyanu Tokede
20th October, 2023.


The old man trusts his body   to a piece of metal or wood Not as his god or anything  But as a prop to hold him up The injured man does the ...