Thursday, June 30, 2022


(All Guts, No Glory)

All guts, no glory,

Take it from the top, no story,

Charging to the fore 

With zeal unholy.

They move quickly with no direction,

No impact, no magnitude,

Scalar quantities 

With no direction.

They claim guidance from God Almighty,

Sacrifice their life for something mighty,

Give their best in all their tithing,

But their minds are dark, without enlightening!

They're vectors in the sense of sniffing blood,

Vipers who attack in a bloody rush,

Like tigers who developed a taste for flesh,

The god they serve is but themselves!

All guts, no glory—

Take it from the top, no story,

Living so wrong

A zeal unholy! 

© el-iyanu


There are certain things that flow in life;
There are certain things we need refine.
There are certain things we can't deny,
And some emotions we can't define.

But there are certain things to keep in mind,
In certain times, to ourselves remind,
That no matter what you go through in life,
The peace of God you'll find.

And when situations our souls demand,
That, at the end of days,
Even in our daily ways,
The peace of God we'll find.

© el-iyanu

Sunday, June 19, 2022


Was conditioned in life to excel,

So the limits of grace I won't exceed;

Set my heels on fire,

So I could run without getting tired,

That I would have no excuse,

I ran like the wind was on fire,

So I wouldn't have to say that I'm tired!

Some said I now over-do,

Some agreed that's it's only good.

In the race, they ask me why I run,

So hard, so fast—

Isn't the victory for us all?

But I'm in a race against myself,

So, learn from me to prepare yourself.

We're not too different, my friend,

So, don't expect me to explain to you,

It's a waste to expect me to;

And I waste my time to talk to you—

Life is a race, and we all move,

In time, you'll understand me too.

© el-iyanu


We're like the sum total of the friends we keep,

Perhaps, like what air does to biscuits—

Like we react to the air we breathe,

But in God do we find reprieve.

I'm growing tired of a lot of friends,

Ship me round the corners of the earth,

Back in circles repeating old trends,

Allow the past, let the new birth!

I've faced stagnation before in life,

Stuck in one place over a period of time,

But I was raised to life and saw the light,

I had great help from The Divine.

But I'm growing tired of a lot of friends,

Ship me round the four corners of the earth,

Back in circles repeating old trends,

Allow the past, let the new birth.

Shouldn't we walk the light and see the Light?

Grow together within the Life—

Not even as perfect, but that we strive,

Above our limitations we deign to rise!

But I'm tired of a lot a friends,

Ship me round the corners of the earth,

Back in circles, repeating old trends,

O, allow the past, let the new birth!

© el-iyanu

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


City of hustle,

City of bustle,

Equipping the fragile

with bulging muscles;

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

The hub of hustle,

No lazing about!

The home of bustle,

Not a dull moment!

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

Traffic of Lagos,

Second to none;

Sea of hustlers,

Jostling for customers,

(O, Lagos!)

Opened wide your arms

to every man

All and sundry 

become but one!

© Tokede Kolawole et Tokede Opeyemi (el-iyanu)

Sunday, June 5, 2022


It was the day of Pentecost,
When tongues of fire 
came from heaven,
To inflame the hearts of men,
And turn the hearts of men to God.

It was the day of Pentecost,
When guns of fire 
rained on earth,
To take the lives of men,
And souls to God they sent.

My house is of prayer,
Says the Lord.
Today, I saw the Grim Reapers,
They came from Hell.
Men unholy, their souls unblessed!

It was the day of Pentecost
When tongues of fire
Came from hell
And the souls of men
To God they sent!

Why shall we fear the man 
who kills the flesh?
Our fears to God, we yield!
It was the day of Pentecost
May love continue to spread.


© el-iyanu

Saturday, June 4, 2022


Is it the Enemy,

Is it war,

Or is it normal? 

You know how in life

you want to break new ground,

And some things arise

to set you back?

And you ask yourself—

Is it the Enemy,

Is it war,

Or is it normal?

But we give thanks to the Lord,

The source of life,

Who helps us to stand

when things get rough

In those times we ask—

Is it the Enemy,

Is it war,

Or is it normal?

© el-iyanu

Just this morning, a friend who was to start up his business mentioned some of the setbacks he faced just when he tried to open up. His oven got damaged, and he was lucky the gas didn't explode on him. And I think, from time to time, we've been in such positions and ask ourselves many questions when things are not going as we planned. Sometimes, personally, I ask my myself— who did I offend? But sometimes, we ask ourselves: is it the Enemy, is it war, or is it normal?

Friday, June 3, 2022


City of commerce,

Centre of excellence,

The pride and joy

of our motherland.

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

City of excellence,

Centre of commerce;

Gracious magician,

Waters to land.

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

History as rich

as petroleum floors,

Absorbing the culture

of everyone.

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

Set the pace 

and others follow,

Raise the bar,

And others abide.

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.

Land of promise,

Land of freedom.

In this we bask,

What more can we ask?

Opened wide your arms

to every man,

All and sundry

become but one.


Composed by:

Tokede Opeyemi Iyanuoluwa

June 3rd, 2022.

Was reading through the sports site on the famous anthems in country football. "The Brothers of Italy" and "The Flower of Scotland" were exceptional pieces with me. It moved me to do something, but the national anthem of Nigeria is quite taken, hence, "The Song of Lagos" where I reside— born, bred and lived!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


I'm a fan of style, but I love substance
Because, sometimes, in life, it's just one chance;
If paying vows to God makes me bother my brother,
I'll offend God today.

We say go big or go home,
But I scale my mistakes, so I don't go broke;
No use being rich today and poor tomorrow,
Those things make me regret and sorrow!

I'm in love with style, but I love substance,
Because sometimes in life, it's just one chance;
So, we pray to God undisguised for substance,
So, we don't make the same mistakes another time.

© el-iyanu


You're living too hard, how can I tell you?
You've been ever tempted since you were born,
And no great examples from those who came before—
How can I tell you?
You're living too hard.

You have the latest and all to impress,
But in chastity and morals, you have regressed;
You have the hottest things in stock,
You give the sons of men things to talk.

Why do you have to rush growing up, child:
And walk a path you know is wild?
I've seen maidens lose their shine in youth,
You have to listen, I speak the truth!
How can I tell you?
You're living too hard.

Take a walk with me, enjoy the scenery,
Enter the depths of my heart, you'll really
See what it means to live,
And how awesome I think you can be:
For the present blinds us to these things!

But we'll hope like Mary Magdalene,
We'll all come to live our lives free and clean,
And live as we ought to be.
I'm not yet perfect, but how can I
Tell you you're living too hard.

© el-iyanu


Heard another's dream and felt insecure,
But God writes our chapters, he knows the cure;
Blessings on blessings, I'll keep the score,
For God writes our chapters, he knows the cure.

Sometimes, like Cain, I'll feel disturbed,
But God writes our chapters, he knows the cure;
For in him, my future is secure,
He writes our chapters, he knows the cure.

We all hope a great future to secure,
But God writes our chapters, he knows the cure;
In some moments, I may be disturbed,
But, then, in God presence, I'll feel secure.

If God is with our friends, he's with us too,
But maybe our hearts are not yet true,
Perhaps, a test, to see us through,
And he'll be with us all through and through,
Time will come, he'll come for you.

So, my soul, rejoice with him God rejoices,
When it comes, you'll enjoy too!
And good news could be a test,
Don't allow your heart detest!

For God writes our chapters, he knows the cure!
For God writes our chapters, he knows the cure!
This much, you can be sure;
This much, you can be sure!

© el-iyanu


It's the little things that become a flood,
Small drops of water that turn to blood;
We felt the pain home and abroad,
Held it back, no reactions. But—

It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back,
Everything comes flooding from the past,
Like concrete that was cast in stone,
We remember the past like broken bones;
We move forward like rolling stones.

What held us back now drives us on,
The things altogether that weighed a ton;
One good turn deserves another one,
Slap our cheeks and the left we'll turn:

Live to the fullest, have some fun,
Yet, in purity, your light to burn;
For it's the little things that become a flood,
Small drops of water that turn to blood..

© el-iyanu

                        (Art by Medi Bang)     


Sometimes, I feel like the world is against me,
I ask myself, who did I offend?
Things are just difficult, hard to comprehend,
Everything gathers together and comes to a head,
And it feels like the world is coming to an end:
I ask myself, who did I offend?

I grew distant from some people,
And some friends did I unfriend,
Indeed, I gave space to the sons of men:
I can be critical, is this how it ends?
Sometimes, I feel like the whole world comes against me,
I ask myself, who did I offend?

© el-iyanu


The old man trusts his body   to a piece of metal or wood Not as his god or anything  But as a prop to hold him up The injured man does the ...